

Building a Ter Apel one day at the time

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Inflation Measurements in NL - part III

How the ECB should measure inflation, a quick hands-on guide.

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Inflation Measurements in NL

How the ECB should measure inflation, a quick hands-on guide.

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Meat is bad, m’key?!

The "science" says so.

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Mark Rutte: Let's be friends again

As for a true politician, taking U-turns is a must

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Omicron and the political fallout

Damage control in action and the head of RIVM is now politically executed.

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Nobody is above Corona access pass!

No one should rise against Corona access passes!. Obey.

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Summer will be awesome... and then some more

Summer is coming, COVID lockdown is mostly gone, and then the fall. (Photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels)

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Terrorist attack in Mannheim - The Fallout

And the divide between left and right wing

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Do we need the digital euro? Yes, like a hole in the head

From the same ECB guys that brought you rampant inflation, another fine release.

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Targeted campaign for COVID vaccination

A nicely targeted vaccination campaign for the vaccinated. (Photo by Nathan Engel from Pexels)

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The natural gas price is getting ugly

The gas price seems to leave childhood and become a teen.

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Ursula von der Leyen might be the leader of a highly corrupted structure?

Forced innoculation with untested and inefficient vaccines couldn't have been possible without high level EU corruption

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The Netherlands has a huge inflation and housing problem - but no real solution

And the main culprit is the European Central Bank (ECB)

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Covid access passes necessary with society reopening

Says the Dutch Health Minister. But is it really so?

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Covid deaths in nursing homes - no change despite vaccination

Still, vaccines are ultra efficient. (Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels)

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2G - Completely twisted logic

Once again, it shows the Government backed up by experts has no idea what it's doing

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Audio Cassettes on AliExpress

Having some fun with the description of this item

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